Aerospace and Die Mould Forum 2020

Aerospace and Die Mould Forum 2020

Kirchheim unter Teck

Tuesday, January 28th 2020 - Thursday, January 30th 2020

Makino's International Forums in Kirchheim Unter Teck.

Once more, the time where our yearly International Forums are taking place is coming close. For those of our yearly participants, they already know that the purpose of this forums is to maximize the utilization of our production resources. That's why we decided to place the main focus, not in the machines themselvers, but in the technology besides.

Two events dedicated to two different markets, which will take place during 3 intense days. From lunch time of the 28th till the 29th, our experts will be available to discuss about mould and die industry, how to achieve better surface quality, better machining times, or how to process the parts on another ways. The end of one event will mean the beginning of the next. Aerospace visitors will come on the lunch time of 29th of January and enjoy one full day discussion with our specialists and partners.


Die and Mould Forum : Preparation is everything

28th - 29th of January  2020



Achieving the best possible quality or the shortest cycle time is not just about putting the part in the machine and pressing the green button. The work before coming into the machine is as important as the machining itself, without a proper preparation the result won't be optimum or, speaking about automation, maybe is not even possible to be automated!

During these lunch-2-lunch event we will learn how to optimize the output by concentrating on:
- Tools
- Toolholders
- Fixturing and automation
- Simulation
- Machine configuration

As well, we will have several customers explaining their experiences with the importance of a proper preparation and rounded up with a panel discussion from experts from the field.




Aerospace Forum : Digital tools boosting machine performance

29th - 30th of January  2020




In a world of Industrie 4.0, smart machining and similar terminology, the end-users are overwhelmed with too much information and is hard to find what are those tools in the market that can really help them to maximize their performance.

In this year's forums we will concentrate on digesting the market technologies and present to our visitors the best combination possible of digital tools that surely will help them increase their profitability.

- Tools to minimize the time of determination of  the part quality
- Intelligent machining tools to  help operators with minimum intervention
- Equipment and software that can minimize the maintenance tasks

But physical world is also important!  Therefore a range of new developments will be also presented:
- Cutting tools from our partners which are breaking previously set limits
- Innovative fixturing solutions
- New machine developments