
Five axis horizontal machining centre


Five axis horizontal machining centre

The a800Z is a horizontal machining centre that adds 5X capabilities to the highly successful a81nx machine. Featuring the same power, performance and reliability as the a81nx, the a800Z will prove an attractive investment for production applications in the e-vehicle, internal combustion engine, agricultural vehicle, semiconductor and aerospace industries.

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Technical Specifications

Z-type table
It is not just the spindles that stand out on the a800Z. Its Z-type agility tiling table brings the centre of gravity of the table and the workpiece close to the centre of rotation of the tilting axis. As a result, inertia is minimised while positioning movements can be performed at high speed and with great accuracy. In other words, this oversized table – in itself an advantage – plays a key role in enabling fast and accurate 5X machining.

Excellent chip evacuation
No machine operator wants chips accumulating in the machining chamber. That is why the a800Z has a high-capacity chip management system. The interior walls of the machining chamber are in stainless steel to minimise chip adherence. Besides, these close-to-vertical walls allow chips to freely fall by their own weight. Three evacuation channels at the bottom of the chamber ensure efficient chip evacuation to the standard high-capacity chip conveyor. Such efficiency avoids energy losses and reduces coolant tank maintenance.

Economical coolant use
Disposing of the fine chips and sludge generated in machining processes is problematic, as contaminated coolant is hardly an eco-friendly liquid. In the a800Z an agitator in the coolant tank prevents the particles from settling and accumulating. The suspended particles are then removed from the coolant by means of a large-capacity cyclonic filtration unit, from where they can be safely discharged from the machine. Besides, the a800Z is designed to be economical with coolant, which automatically reduces the amount of coolant that needs disposing.

Operator- and automation-friendly
With its low step-over threshold the a800Z offers excellent access to the machining chamber for the machine operator to perform pre-machining set-up or in-process inspection. The a800Z can be easily connected to various automation systems, e.g. pallet magazine system, robot system or jig-tool package, and is also connectable to existing automation facilities, e.g. a Makino MMC2 system in combination with an a81nx.

Reliable thermal control
Makino machines are renowned for their thermal control systems. The a800Z is no exception. Spindle cooling, table cooling and ball screw part cooling ensure that, however demanding the cutting application in a production environment may be, this horizontal machining centre will not overheat or lose its cutting precision.


X: 1,280 mm Y: 1,200 mm Z: 1,120 - 1,325 mm


360 deg


180 deg

Spindle RPM

20 - 10,000 rpm

Spindle Taper

7/24 taper #50

Rapid Traverse

60,000 mm/min

Cutting Feedrate

1-50,000 mm/min

Maximum Workpiece Size

Ø 1,000 x 800 mm

Maximum Payload

1,000 kg