V průběhu roku 2020 se celková situace na trhu dramaticky změnila, události byly zrušeny a cestování se stalo v mnoha případech výzvou.
To klade velkou otázku:
Jak můžeme našim zákazníkům přinést Makino Experience?
Pokud nás současná situace na trhu něco naučila, je to tak, že musíme použít digitální technologie, abychom se přiblížili našim zúčastněným stranám. A proto Makino investuje do digitálního modelu našeho showroomu.
S tímto digitálním showroomem přiblížíme Makino Experience našim koncovým uživatelům.
Dozvíte se o strojích, jak naše technologie zvýšily výkon našich zákazníků a jaké komponenty jsme v průběhu let vyrobili.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
It looks like you're coming for a country that may have a closer Makino location, you may want to use that location's Contact Us form.
Pokud chcete navštívit náš digitální showroom, vyplňte prosím následující formulář!